
The housing crisis is climbing the income ladder. More and more people are stuck in housing stress. As long as our tax system remains unfair, they have no hope of a decent life.

Australia is in the midst of a historic housing crisis.

Yet each year, the government pours billions of dollars into policies that make affordability worse.

This system drives up the cost of housing by prioritising profits over people.

Tax breaks are making homes less affordable for everyone.

Not only are renters paying exorbitant rents, but their tax dollars are being spent keeping hobby landlords afloat.

Investors can either write off losses on tax or pass them on to tenants – but the people who live in these homes are stuck in an expensive and dysfunctional system.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Phasing out these handouts would free up billions to spend on public and community housing and help take the heat out of the rental market.

A government that is serious about tackling housing affordability must end the unfair tax breaks. Sign our petition calling on the government to create a #FairHousingFuture today.

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